Nasiff CardioCard™ PC Based Database Management/EMR System
CardioDatabase provides state-of-the art management care - we care about you and your patients
- A CardioCard Database Management System Included with every CardioCard Product

- Full 12- lead Interval and ST Slope/Elevation Measurements

- Physician Editing Comments can be Appended to Patient Recor

- Store Data to Hard Drive, Diskette, Zip, Optical or any other Storage Medium

- Electronic Calipers to msec allows Custom Measurement Capability

- "Seamlessly" Integrates CardioCard Resting ECG, Stress ECG and Holter as ECG Tests are added

- Virtually Unlimited Storage of Patient Records

- Data Transmission via Modem, FAX or Direct Connect

- Single ECG or Batch Transmission Capability

- "On Call ECG Receive" Capability

- WINDOWS: Point & Click User Interface

- Sorted by Patient Name and Social Security #

- Network Interface
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